Picture of Andy Park in a park, with more images of himself edited on
✌️ Sup ✌️

My name is Andy. I'm a Sr. UX Designer most recently at CIBC, where I mostly helped run Discovery engagements across the enterprise to validate business ideas through a human-centred lens.

I take a systemic approach to my designs: considering the context, the users, and the business - and how they can all work together. I learned that while studying Systems Design Engineering at the University of Waterloo.

I've had many hobbies over the years - salsa and bachata, pottery, and rock climbing. You'll most likely catch me climbing on the wall these days or with a book.

I am also an uncle to two cats, Kong and Rex, who you can see on either side of this screen. Proud owner of many plants as well :)

If you have restaurant recommendations or need me for any non-emergencies, please shoot me an email!